The Most Disturbing Picture - Travel Responsibly
"The Greatest Threat To Our Planet Is The Belief That Someone Else Will Save It".
This is about the worst moment that I could capture during the time when I was traveling with friends in Kannur, Kerala. There have been lots of campaigns on the topic "Travel Responsibly", but still we humans are not taking care of nature or the lives that too matter on this earth that we live upon. This picture really hurt me as a traveler and I do request each and every traveler and all the people to be responsible.
I captured this horrific moment while I was trekking near the seashores of the Dharmadam Beach in Kannur Kerala. This picture tells us a lot of stories of misbehaving with these creatures especially the way we humans dump the wastes into the sea and that too dangerous plastics. These fishes and other living beings in the sea is getting affected due to this, these are also living beings like us.
I could witness that there were plastics all around the place and there was not a single human being who is trying to clear this out, its not only the duty of waste collectors as its the place where we live upon so it's our duty to take care of our places and preserve the lives. Each disaster reminds us of these atrocities towards nature and other living beings, but after that, we humans again repeat the same thing when would we learn?
It's high time that we travelers should not carry a single plastics while traveling, or we should create a habit of returning all possible plastics that we took while going as one should not throw it away into nature. By doing so we are only destroying the nature and that will be a great misery for the future generation. It's our duty to preserve nature and other living beings so that the coming generation could enjoy the earth as we did.
I am requesting each and every single human being to be part of this and try spreading this good cause towards nature and beings.
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